Title: By Invitation Only
Rating: NR
Directed by: LaMarr Allen and Alex Jante
Written by: Alex Jante and Orlando Love
Starring: Angel Fabián Rivera, LaMarr Allen, Juliana Edge, Jamar Washington, Enrique Fann, John Golden, Roy Bercier, CJ Mainor, and Ajitoni Canty
Release Date: 5/26/2023
Running Time: 85 minutes
What did you think of this film?
A group comes to a mysterious party and is given the option to participate in games in order to win a reward. Each character has his or her own motivation for being in attendance, and not one of them knows exactly what connects them all.
Are There Any Extras During The Credits? Unknown
Are There Any Extras After The Credits? Unknown
Is this stinger worth waiting around for?