Title: 10 Lives
Rating: G
Directed by: Christopher Jenkins
Written by: Ash Brannon, Ken Cinnamon, Leland Cox, Christopher Jenkins, Angie Prindle, and Karen Wengrod
Starring: Mo Gilligan, Simone Ashley, Sophie Okonedo, Dylan Llewellyn, Zayn Malik, Jeremy Swift, Tabitha Cross, and Bill Nighy
Release Date: 10/11/2024
Running Time: 88 minutes
What did you think of this film?
A pampered cat takes for granted the lucky hand he has been dealt after he is rescued and loved by Rose, a kind-hearted and passionate student. When he loses his ninth life, fate steps in to set him on a transformative journey.
Are There Any Extras During The Credits? Unknown
during the credits
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Are There Any Extras After The Credits? Unknown
after the credits
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