Title: Moana 2
Rating: PG
Directed by: David G. Derrick Jr., Jason Hand, and Dana Ledoux Miller
Written by: Jared Bush, Dana Ledoux Miller, Bek Smith, and Bryson Chun
Starring: Auli’i Cravalho, Dwayne Johnson, Alan Tudyk, Nicole Scherzinger, Temuera Morrison, Rachel House, Rose Matafeo, Khaleesi Lambert-Tsuda, Hualalai Chung, Awhimai Fraser, David Fane, and Gerald Ramsey
Release Date: 11/27/2024
Running Time: 100 minutes
Official Site
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After receiving an unexpected call from her wayfinding ancestors, Moana must journey to the far seas of Oceania and into dangerous, long-lost waters for an adventure unlike anything she’s ever faced.
Are There Any Extras During The Credits? Yes
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We see Matangi being confronted by Nalo. Nalo says that no human should have been able to reach the island or break his curse. Matangi pleads ignorance and claims her part of their deal is done, but Nalo cuffs her hands and says they’re just getting started. Ominous laughter fills the room and the next shot reveals that it’s coming from Tamatoa (the giant crab from the original movie). He tries to worm his way into the favor of Nalo but gets an electric blast for his troubles.
Are There Any Extras After The Credits? No
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Memoriam: In Loving Memory of Michael Dobson
Special thanks to Frank for this submission