Title: Hippo
Rating: NR
Directed by: Mark H. Rapaport
Written by: Mark H. Rapaport and Kimball Farley
Starring: Kimball Farley, Lilla Kizlinger, Eliza Roberts, Jesse Pimentel, Vann Barrett, and Eric Roberts
Release Date: 11/8/2024
Running Time: 100 minutes


What did you think of this film?

Hippo, a peculiar adolescent, and his Hungarian step-sister Buttercup struggle to come of age in late 1990s America, under the roof of a mother who has been institutionalized at least once.

Are There Any Extras During The Credits? Unknown

during the credits
No information at this time

Are There Any Extras After The Credits? Unknown

after the credits
No information at this time

Is this stinger worth waiting around for? NoYes (No Ratings Yet)


If you have seen this film, we (and those that frequent this site) would greatly appreciate it if you can let us know any stinger information. Click here to send us an email!