Title: Felix and Meira (aka. Félix et Meira)
Rating: R
Director: Maxime Giroux
Writer: Maxime Giroux and Alexandre Laferrière
Stars: Martin Dubreuil, Hadas Yaron and Luzer Twersky
Release Date: 4/17/2015
Running Time: 105 minutes
In Félix and Meira, an unusual romance blossoms between two lost souls who inhabit the same neighborhood but vastly different worlds.
What did you think of this film?
During Credits? Yes
during the credits
We see the front view from a gondola making its way through a canal in Venice, Italy. All during the rest of the credits we hear the gondolier whistling a tune.
After Credits? No
Is this stinger worth waiting around for?
During first part of the credits we see the front view from a gondola making its way through a canal in Venice, Italy. All during the credits we hear the gondolier whistling a tune. Nothing afterwards.