Advertise With Us

We welcome advertisers who offer valuable products and services to our community.

Who are we?

We are a diverse movie fansite and although our main focus is cataloging bonus scenes in film we also offer reviews, trailers, interviews and more!  We have been around since 2009 and are getting more and more popular every day!

Why advertise here?

We have a highly targeted audience of movie lovers, entertainment junkies and all-together just cool people. Our site delivers regular updates on new films that contain these bonus scenes as well as some old ones.  We are typically at the top of search results in a search engine when someone is looking for such information.

Who visits this site?

The majority of our visitors are between the ages of 18-34, cover the globe (although most are from North America, 76%), 80-20 men vs women, and have a love of all things film. We receive over 250,000 visitors every month and over 470,000 pageviews available for purchase. More specific demographic information is also available. You can see our most recent Internet ranking at or ask for our Google Analytics figures.

To advertise, contact

We offer ads for both the desktop (computer/laptop/tablet) and mobile versions of our site.  We support multiple ad formats, including: jpg, jpeg, gif, png, swf and flv.

Contact us at for more information.

We look forward to speaking with you!