Title: Alone in Berlin
Rating: R
Directed by: Vincent Perez
Written by: Achim von Borries, Vincent Perez and Bettine von Borries
Based on the book by: Hans Fallada
Starring: Emma Thompson, Daniel Brühl and Brendan Gleeson
Release Date: 1/13/2017
Running Time: 103 minutes


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4.5/5 - (2 votes)

Berlin, 1940. Working class couple Otto and Anna Quangel receive the news that their only son has lost his life in the battlefield and decide to resist the Nazi regime in their very own way. Soon the Gestapo is hunting “the threat”.

Are There Any Extras During The Credits? No

Are There Any Extras After The Credits? No

Memoriam: In memory of Otto and Elise Hampel
Guillotined for having written and circulated cards against the Nazi regime between 1940 and 1943.

Special thanks to Frank for this submission