Title: Funny Story
Rating: NR
Directed by: Michael J. Gallagher
Written by: Michael J. Gallagher and Steve Greene
Starring: Matthew Glave, Emily Bett Rickards, Jana Winternitz, Nikki Limo, Lily Holleman, Jessica Diggins, Aschleigh Jensen, Daisye Tutor, Jacob Wysocki, Pete Gardner, and Reginald VelJohnson
Release Date: 5/24/2019
Running Time: 84 minutes

Official Site

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Walter Campbell (Matthew Glave) is an aging heartthrob struggling to keep up appearances— especially with his estranged daughter, Nic (Jana Winternitz). In an attempt to reconnect with his family, he invites himself to crash her vacation in Big Sur. Offering a ride to her friend Kim (Emily Bett Rickards), they bond in unexpected ways that are sure to ruin the lives of everyone in their path.

Are There Any Extras During The Credits? No

Are There Any Extras After The Credits? No

Special thanks to Frank for this submission