Title: Limbo
Rating: R
Directed by: Ben Sharrock
Written by: Ben Sharrock
Starring: Amir El-Masry, Vikash Bhai, and Kwabena Ansah
Release Date: 4/30/2021
Running Time: 103 minutes

Official Site

What did you think of this film?

5/5 - (1 vote)

Omar is a promising young musician. Separated from his Syrian family, he is stuck on a remote Scottish island awaiting the fate of his asylum request. Ben Sharrock’s second feature LIMBO is a funny and poignant cross-cultural satire that subtly sews together the hardship and hope of the refugee experience.

Are There Any Extras During The Credits? No

Are There Any Extras After The Credits? No

Note: The credits start over the continuation of the last scene showing Omar walking down the village path.

Special thanks to Frank for this submission