Title: The Sparks Brothers
Rating: R
Directed by: Edgar Wright
Starring: Ron Mael, Russell Mael, Flea, Jane Wiedlin, Beck, Jack Antonoff, Jason Schwartzman, and Neil Gaiman
Release Date: 6/18/2021
Running Time: 135 minutes

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How can one rock band be successful, underrated, hugely influential, and criminally overlooked all at the same time? Edgar Wright’s debut documentary THE SPARKS BROTHERS takes audiences on a musical odyssey through five weird and wonderful decades with brothers/bandmates Ron and Russell Mael celebrating the inspiring legacy of Sparks: your favorite band’s favorite band.

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Dedication: For Miriam and Meyer Mael

Memoriam: In Memory of
Oscar Roganson
Gary Stewart
Joseph Fleury
Marc Moulin
Fred Chichin
Dinky Diamond
Adrian Fisher
Jim McCallister
Jeffrey Salen