Title: Midnight in the Switchgrass
Rating: R
Directed by: Randall Emmett
Written by: Alan Horsnail
Starring: Megan Fox, Bruce Willis, Emile Hirsch, Lukas Haas, Colson Baker, and Sistine Stallone
Release Date: 7/23/2021
Running Time: 99 minutes

Official Site

What did you think of this film?

While in Florida on another case, FBI agents Helter (Willis) and Lombardo (Fox) cross paths with state cop Crawford (Hirsch), who’s investigating a string of female murders that appear to be related. Lombardo and Crawford team up for an undercover sting, but it goes horribly wrong, plunging Lombardo into grave danger and pitting Crawford against a serial killer in a twisted game of cat and mouse.

Are There Any Extras During The Credits? Unknown

Are There Any Extras After The Credits? Unknown

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