Title: Yakuza Princess
Rating: R
Directed by: Vicente Amorim
Written by: Vicente Amorim, Kimi Lee, Tubaldini Shelling, and Fernando Toste
Based on the graphic novel by: Danilo Beyruth
Starring: MASUMI, Jonathan Rhys Meyers, and Tsuyoshi Ihara
Release Date: 9/3/2021
Running Time: 111 minutes

Official Site

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Set in the expansive Japanese community of Sao Paulo in Brazil — the largest Japanese
diaspora in the world — YAKUZA PRINCESS follows Akemi (MASUMI), an orphan
who discovers she is the heiress to half of the Yakuza crime syndicate. Forging an uneasy
alliance with an amnesiac stranger (Rhys Meyers) who believes an ancient sword binds
their two fates, Akemi must unleash war against the other half of the syndicate who wants
her dead.

Are There Any Extras During The Credits? Yes

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Are There Any Extras After The Credits? No

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