Title: Champions
Rating: PG-13
Directed by: Bobby Farrelly
Written by: Mark Rizzo
Based on the film by: Javier Fesser and David Marqués
Starring: Woody Harrelson, Cheech Marin, Casey Metcalfe, James Day Keith, Ashton Gunning, and Tom Sinclair
Release Date: ReleaseDateGoesHere
Running Time: 123 minutes


What did you think of this film?

4.9/5 - (8 votes)

The story of a former minor-league basketball coach who, after a series of missteps, is ordered by the court to manage a team of Disabled players. He soon realizes that despite his doubts, together, this team can go further than they ever imagined.

Are There Any Extras During The Credits? Yes

during the credits
Coach Marcus is playing the piano on stage in a spotlight for the opening to Tubthumping by Chumbawamba, as it turns into the actual song while The Friends are dressed in fomal attire playing various instruments in their gym.

Are There Any Extras After The Credits? Yes

after the credits
Showtime makes his signature back-to-the-rim overhead shot in a game.

Is this stinger worth waiting around for? NoYes (No Ratings Yet)


Special thanks to Michael and Ben for this submission