Title: My Penguin Friend
Rating: PG
Directed by: David Schurmann
Written by: Kristen Lazarian and Paulina Lagudi Ulrich
Starring: Jean Reno, Adriana Barraza, and Rochi Hernández
Release Date: 8/16/2024
Running Time: 97 minutes

Official Site

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Humble fisherman João (Jean Reno) has turned away from the world in the wake of tragedy. But when he discovers a penguin drifting alone in the ocean, drenched in oil from a spill, his first instinct is to help. To his wife’s (Adriana Barraza) dismay, he not only rescues the sea creature, but takes the flightless bird under his wing. For the first time in years João starts to feel joy, even if he cannot fathom just how unbreakable a bond is being formed. When the penguin suddenly disappears back into the immense wilds of the ocean, João believes it is impossible that he will ever see his friend again. But thousands of miles away, the penguin is caught in misadventures of his own, determined to use his unique GPS-like powers to find his way back to the place he now considers home.

Are There Any Extras During The Credits? No

Are There Any Extras After The Credits? No

Special thanks to Reggie, Michael, Ernest, Alisa, Erick, and Frank for this submission