Title: You Gotta Believe
Rating: PG
Directed by: Ty Roberts
Written by: Lane Garrison
Starring: Luke Wilson, Greg Kinnear, Sarah Gadon, Lew Temple, Michael Cash, Etienne Kellici, Molly Parker, and Patrick Renna
Release Date: 8/30/2024
Running Time: 104 minutes

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After dedicating the season to a teammate’s ailing father, a group of underestimated youth baseball players from Fort Worth, Texas, takes its Cinderella run all the way to the 2002 Little League World Series—culminating in a record-breaking showdown that became an instant ESPN classic.

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Are There Any Extras After The Credits? Yes

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Dedication: Dedicated to the memory of Bobby Ratliff, Lee Garrison and the millions of loved ones we have lost to skin cancer.

Special thanks to Roger and John for this submission