Title: The Carpenter
Rating: NR
Directed by: Garrett Batty
Written by: Garrett Batty, Kameron Krebs, and Kenny Krebs
Starring: Kameron Krebs, Kaulin Krebs, Jeff Dickamore, Daz Crawford, Andre Jacobs, Aurora Florence, Milton Schorr, Maurice Carpede, and Peter Butler
Release Date: 11/1/2024
Running Time: Unknown
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An adopted viking orphan becomes a carpenter’s apprentice to Jesus. The orphan, Oren, fights as a side hustle. His experience training as a carpenter with Jesus as his mentor changes his lifestyle.
Are There Any Extras During The Credits? Unknown
during the credits
No information at this time
Are There Any Extras After The Credits? Unknown
after the credits
No information at this time
Is this stinger worth waiting around for?