Title: Stranded Pearl
Rating: PG
Directed by: Ken Khan and Prashanth Gunasekaran
Written by: Rachel Smith
Starring: Kristy Wright, Aunanda Naidoo, Robert Reitano, Aleisha Rose, Jagdish Punja, Rawiri Paratene, Ray Woolf, Stan Wolfgramm, Rob Kipa Williams, and Richard Halpin
Release Date: 11/1/2024
Running Time: 90 minutes

Official Site

What did you think of this film?

An island paradise, big business, complex characters, love and betrayal set the scene for this light-hearted romantic action adventure film. Set in the stunning scenery of the South Pacific, with drama, action and comedy at every turn, it tells the story of a woman who learns that her life is half lived, and a man who has closed himself off from the world to hide from the pain of his past.

Are There Any Extras During The Credits? Unknown

during the credits
No information at this time

Are There Any Extras After The Credits? Unknown

after the credits
No information at this time

Is this stinger worth waiting around for? NoYes (No Ratings Yet)


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