
Tag: Adventure

Meru (2015)


Title: Meru
Rating: R
Directed by: Jimmy Chin and Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi
Starring: Conrad Anker, Grace Chin and Jimmy Chin
Release Date: 8/14/2015
Running Time: 87 minutes

Official Site

Three elite climbers struggle to find their way through obsession and loss as they attempt to climb Mount Meru, one of the most coveted prizes in the high stakes game of Himalayan big wall climbing.

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Memoriam: In Loving Memory Yen Yen Chin, Alex Lowe and Mugs Stump

Special thanks to Frank S. for this submission

Walk in the Woods, A (2015)*


Title: A Walk in the Woods
Rating: R
Directed by: Ken Kwapis
Written by: Rick Kerb and Bill Holderman
Based on the novel by: Bill Bryson
Starring: Robert Redford, Nick Nolte, Emma Thompson, Nick Offerman, Mary Steenburgen and Kristen Schaal
Release Date: 9/2/2015
Running Time: 104 minutes

Official Site

After spending two decades in England, Bill Bryson returns to the U.S., where he decides the best way to connect with his homeland is to hike the Appalachian Trail with one of his oldest friends.

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Dedication/Memoriam: In Memory of Jake Eberts

Special thanks to Frank S. for this submission

Fantastic Four Review – .5 out of 5 Stars

When I finished watching The Fantastic Four, I thought it was terrible but I didn’t really have the strong hatred others had for it. I left the movie feeling numb and willing to give this movie a solid one out of five stars without thinking of it anymore after this. And then, I approached the writing process for this movie and I hit a roadblock. Of the 3 previous times I’ve tried writing this review, each time I’ve ended up transforming it into a giant rant about a specific area. It’s not just that it’s a rant about the entire film, each time for this I have stumbled upon a new tiny aspect of the film that is so shockingly terrible that I had to write a thousand word explaining what is so wrong about it. It was in having to explain this movie that I realized that there is not a single thing about The Fantastic Four thematically or technically that doesn’t either feel pathetic or a part of an absolute disaster. For my money, this will be the worst movie of 2015 that I’ve paid money to go see in a theater. Paper Towns at least had a few, tiny areas that you could not so much appreciate but you could deal with. Focus at least had the charm of Will Smith. There is nothing I’ve seen this year that has had so much wrong with it in comparison to this dead on arrival visit to the cinema.

The “story” is a mess, but to put it into a brief amount of words, a group of young adults including Reed Richards (Miles Teller) and his friend Ben (Jamie Bell), along with Sue (Kate Mara) and her brother Johnny (Michael B. Jordan) create this machine than transports them to another dimension. In this new world, they receive new powers and must face up against an old colleague gone rogue named Doom (Toby Kebbell).


What is there to be said about this films story? The pacing for the movie is terrible in every meaning of the word. The movie rushes over so many areas that it never really feels like you’re watching an actual film. The actions of the characters are so poorly explained because the movie has no problem skipping over things that would give development to people or any build up as to why something is going on. It’s like The Fantastic Four was a mediocre CBS show that went for ten episodes that someone decided to cut together as an hour and 40 minute movie. There are so many elements here that either aren’t there or feel rushed. You can’t help but wonder if someone, anyone looked at the pieces and actually wondered how they would fit together before they just decided to glue them together haphazardly. That’s what this seems to be, it’s already terrible clips thrown together like a Malick movie in the hopes of producing a story, like a drunk kids half-assed attempt to throw a dart at the center of a dart board. One moment Reed is in some science fair for his…high school maybe? The next, he’s working at some institute for smart young minds. There’s a possible love triangle between Doom, Reed and Sue but you can’t really tell, it’s probably explained better in the TV show they grabbed these scenes out of.

I haven’t even gotten to the cruel and shallow way this flick used the time jump. There is a moment where the gang gets there super powers and they are locked up because of it. This should be the part where we would see them adapting to having new powers or fighting back against the people keeping them locked up. Well, right after they get their powers, we cut to one year later. In one years’ time, we see that characters have changed a lot since we last saw them. Ben has become a weapon for the army and Johnny has gone from being a rebel to this super patriotic guy trying to help the army. Reed is also doing some random science crap in the woods or something but that’s never fully explained or returned to the surface after they show it. It would be like if Iron Man cut out all the scenes where Tony Stark was in the cave or if The Dark Knight Rises cut out all the scenes where Bruce Wayne was exiled from Gotham. There a gigantic chunk of this movie where the audience is supposed to watch their characters change that is just…gone. I look at this and see a solid 30 to 40 minutes of important development that the movie cut out. There are some shows and movies that can use a time jump effectively like Vertigo or Fargo but here it feels like a get out of jail free card for its writers so that they don’t have to work overtime to make sure there movie isn’t borderline unwatchable. This is an example of laziness to the tenth degree. There’s no reason I can think of for them to want to do this other than to further its audience from feeling like they have to care about the transition of our supposed heroes.

And yet, somehow none of that even matches what the film does for its finale. I should first explain maybe the only positive thing in the film, Victor Von Doom. Doom seems like the only person who is sympathetic or even seems like remotely a real person. He’s the stereotype of the lonely intelligent weirdo, but at least that’s better than nothing. On the planet, they accidently leave Doom behind. One year later, he comes back as a goofy, poorly designed bad guy out of a stock Saturday morning cartoon. Of all of the characters, his transition after one year feels the cheapest and most offensively lazy.

Anyways, he shows up in the last 15 minutes and without any real explanation he just wants to destroy the world. In the course of 15 minutes or so, they introduce, fight and kill off their most famous villain. There’s no momentum and then there’s just nothing, the finale is that. The movie suddenly remembers near the end that it’s a superhero movie and it tries to cram all of this stuff in the hopes of wiping clean what you’ve actually been watching for the past hour. Everything from the way it shows characters arcs to the way they explain motives is sloppy. I have no idea how much of this is Josh Trank’s fault or the studios fault but in the end it doesn’t really matter, this is one of the worst stories I’ve ever seen played out on screen and what it does in terms of building and concluding storylines and coming together with something remotely satisfying has no bounds in how awful it is.

And even if the story did make any sense, it sure as hell doesn’t make up for all the other terrible things about it. The characters aren’t helped by dialogue that would seem dead on an ABC sitcom. This movies attempt at humor and charm are so uncomfortably terrible that it bounces back and becomes funny again. Michael B. Jordan has the worst of it as he has to add dimension to such Oscar worthy lines as “that’s what I’m talking about”. It’s the kind of wit that’s created by a sweaty, underpaid team of writers just trying to add something, anything to this story that’s clearly been lost. Besides the comedic angle, all of the lines from the villain and the hero feel copied from far more original superhero films. Every quote you can find from Dr. Doom is exactly like every other clichéd super villain. When the movie needs to pad out its running time, it brings out the overused speech about great responsibility with great power or whatever. Nothing that comes out of a characters mouth in this movie ever comes from a place of sincerity, it all feels fake and manufactured to look exactly like everything else. There is nothing about this movies screenplay that isn’t totally artificial.


Lastly, the film is technically garbage. With a budget as high as this one, you at least expect to see some visual effects with some high quality. Exodus: Gods and Kings was a terrible film, it at least had some impressive visual effects. This movie makes the CGI in early 00’s action films look decent. Every fight scene with Reed Richards stretching his body is laughably fake looking. It doesn’t look realistic; it looks like it was taken from a low budget 90’s animated movie that tried miserably to use 3D animation. As I mentioned earlier, the design for the new Dr. Doom makes the early 00’s Dr. Doom look intimidating. The Dr. Doom in this movie is so poor that you could honestly convince me that it’s actually from the cheap rip off version of The Fantastic Four, The Fabulous Give perhaps. The music for this movie is just like the music from every other dry, bland action movie. The new world they find is void of any imagination and looks just like every other vague new planet. The entire movie looks like it was shot through a dark blue glass so it could look super serious and grim. Even with a great cast and a director who’s done good work in the past, there is not a single compliment I can give this movie.

Taking the time to write about this film was an awful, long exhausting experience and the same can be said about watching The Fantastic Four. I don’t even want to give this movie half a star, I can’t think of a thing I enjoyed about this film. The story, the characters, the comedy, the effects, the performances, the ideas, the editing and the music are all garbage. The Fantastic Four is a terrible movie and it gets the honor of being one of the lowest ratings I’ve ever given for a film on my site.


Review by: Ryan M.

Release Date: 8/7/2015

Rating: PG-13

Cast: Miles Teller, Michael B. Jordan, Kate Mara, Jamie Bell and Toby Kebbell

Directed by: Josh Trank

Screenplay by: Jeremy Slater, Simon Kinberg and Josh Trank

Based on the Comic Book by: Stan Lee and Jack Kirby

Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension, The (1984)*


Title: The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension
Rating: PG
Directed by: W.D. Richter
Written by: Earl Mac Rauch
Starring: Peter Weller, John Lithgow and Ellen Barkin
Release Date: 8/10/1984
Running Time: 103 minutes


Adventurer/surgeon/rock musician Buckaroo Banzai and his band of men, the Hong Kong Cavaliers, take on evil alien invaders from the 8th dimension.

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Special thanks to Malfoy for this submission

On Deadly Ground (1994)*


Title: On Deadly Ground
Rating: R
Directed by: Steven Seagal
Written by: Ed Horowitz and Robin U. Russin
Starring: Steven Seagal, Michael Caine and Joan Chen
Release Date: 2/18/1994
Running Time: 101 minutes


Mystical martial artist/environmental agent takes on a ruthless oil corporation.

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After Credits? No

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Special thanks to Malfoy for this submission

Man from U.N.C.L.E., The (2015)*


Title: The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (aka. The Man from U.N.C.L.E.: The IMAX Experience)
Rating: PG-13
Directed by: Guy Ritchie
Written by: Guy Ritchie, Lionel Wigram, Jeff Kleeman and David C. Wilson
Based on the television series by: Sam Rolfe
Starring: Henry Cavill, Armie Hammer, Alicia Vikander, Elizabeth Debicki, Luca Calvani, Sylvester Groth and Hugh Grant
Release Date: 8/14/2015
Running Time: 116 minutes

Official Site

In the early 1960s, CIA agent Napoleon Solo and KGB operative Illya Kuryakin participate in a joint mission against a mysterious criminal organization, which is working to proliferate nuclear weapons.

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Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation Review – 3.5 out of 5 Stars

Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation is the kind of film that was meant for summers. I have seen several more ambitious and thought provoking movies this summer but Rogue Nation is the type of film that was built in the name of pure entertainment. It doesn’t have an original story and at the end of the day I would only call it pretty good, but this movie is nothing if it doesn’t have some breathtaking action scenes, a strong cast and a good sense of humor.

Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) is the leader of IMF, a secret organization that does the dirty jobs that need to get done behind the back of the public. They have become controversial and they are shut down while Ethan is tracking down a secret organization called The Syndicate that fights for the opposite of what IMF wants. With the help of his friends Luther (Ving Rhames), William (Jeremy Renner) and Benji (Simon Pegg) as well as the help of a mysterious lady named Ilsa (Rebecca Ferguson) who is either working with them or for The Syndicate, Ethan must hunt (hah) down Solomon Lane (Sean Harris), the twisted, brilliant soldier who has become the head of the terrorist group.


As I mentioned before, the story for this is pretty weak. Firstly, The Syndicate is a clear copy of the underground criminal organization Spectre from the Bond franchise. It’s only that much more ridiculous when you consider how that area is going to be brought to life later this year in the unsurprisingly named Bond film Spectre. Secondly, not nearly as much effort was put into building The Syndicate here in comparison to how they present Spectre in Bond. Spectre was an idea that was built up throughout the early Bond films and you actually got the sense that one person would be there to replace another if they were to fall down in those movies. It’s this maddening and unstoppable secret only spoken of in the darkest of shadows. Here, the only real big member of the Syndicate you get to see is Solomon and we never get to see any of the other big names that work for this thing. You don’t get the sense of The Syndicate being this big, complex thing that will keep chasing IMF. The way they conclude The Syndicate by the end feels too easily wrapped up as though this entire thing falls the moment Solomon falls. It doesn’t make any sense and its clear the writers have no interest in making The Syndicate this massive thing that will an equally important role in future Mission Impossible movies.

Also, for as uninspired as the overall story is, it sure has a confusing way of explaining a lot of areas of the plot. On a small scale, a lot of the smaller pieces that are there to move the story forward seemed unsatisfying. The film seems to create these ridiculous, hard to follow plot points that justify another action scene or help move its mundane, useless storyline forward. It goes out of its way to make the story this hard to follow thing which I can usually respect in something like a drama or a science fiction. The problem is that the overcomplicated story here clearly isn’t meant to be understood and you can shut it out and have an equal if not better experience watching the flick doing so. The movie goes out of its way to add these weird twists and sloppy explanations and if you try to follow them you will be rewarded with something that is not nearly as rewarding or enriching as it presents itself up to be. The movie is smart in the artificial, messy way that doesn’t require for them to include actual intelligence.

The movie does largely accomplish being high entertainment in two different areas, the action scenes and the charm. The film has the shame of being a really good action film the summer of one of the most beautifully crafted action movies I’ve ever seen (oh what a film, what a lovely film). That being said, this movie manages to have some really impressive scenes that will leave you wondering how they were able to do that. The moment of Tom Cruise hanging outside the door of a plane has been posted everywhere by now but to actually watch it and then remember that this is a real stunt that Tom Cruise pulled off is unbelievable. An intense scene with an equally unforgettable stunt happens later on when Ethan Hunt has to rob something underwater. He actually has to hold his breathe underwater for 3 to 4 minutes all while being tossed around by this strong current. It’s such an exciting, well shot scene that makes you wonder how Cruise was able to perform it and how director Christopher McQuarrie was able to shoot it.

But all of this doesn’t match the brilliantly executed fight scene at the opera house in Vienna. The basic premise of what is going on here sounds like something out of an old Hitchcock movie. Ethan is fighting a sniper during the play as this assassin tries to take down the Austrian chancellor on a specific note in a song. It doesn’t have the best stunts in the film or the most tension but it is proof that a fight scene can be beautiful if it’s perfectly shot and edited. The classical music mixes together with shots of the two men fighting at the top of this opera house all while these other people on different sides are trying to a much smaller extent to foil the plans of their opponents. It’s this excellent moment of chaos set to this classy, magical setting and soundtrack. It’s hard to explain here but it’s grand and epic when you’re watching it unfold. It’s this simple sounding action scene but it manages to be both an original piece of filmmaking as well as a thrilling tribute to a much more elegant age in studio thrillers.


The movie has great action scenes but it’s also helped by its great cast. The film has this group of actors who are doing their best possible version of something they’ve done countless times before in previous movies. Tom Cruise plays the eccentric, action film leader he was in Oblivion or Top Gun. Simon Pegg plays the wacky comedic relief he was in the Star Trek films. Alec Baldwin is the stern, cynical bureaucrat like in Mercury Rising or Pearl Harbor. The difference here is that these actors seem to be doing the perfected versions of these parts they’ve play dozens of times. Tom Cruise is one of the best action film stars working in Hollywood and he breathes wit and charm into these parts that would’ve felt dull and bland with a darker, more humorless lead like Chris Hemsworth or even Brad Pitt. Pegg is significantly better here than in the Star Trek film because he manages to play an important part to the story as well as be really, really hilarious. I also used to consider Jeremy Renner a very uninteresting actor when it comes to being in action films but I think he’s starting to become a lot more charismatic in films like this and Age of Ultron than he was several years ago in The Bourne Legacy. The definite best of the lot is new Mission Impossible star Rebecca Ferguson as Ilsa. She’s smart, cool and sexy and the confusion and frustration she has with being caught between these two identities makes for the heart of Rogue Nation. Ilsa is the femme fatale that you would expect to see in again, an old Hitchcock film. It’s also really respectable that she doesn’t end up with Hunt by the end of the film.

Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation isn’t surprising or new but it packs a lot of fun due to its likable cast and some outstanding action scenes. I would definitely recommend checking this action flick over all the ones that still happen to be in theaters. It’s a cool, breezy piece of popcorn entertainment that will leave you feeling pleasant and satisfied.


Review by: Ryan M.

Release Date: 7/31/2015

Rating: PG-13

Cast: Tom Cruise, Jeremy Renner, Simon Pegg, Rebecca Ferguson, Ving Rhames, Sean Harris and Alec Baldwin

Directed by: Christopher McQuarrie

Screenplay by: Christopher McQuarrie and Drew Pearce

Based on the television series by: Bruce Geller

Fantastic Four (2015)


Title: Fantastic Four
Rating: PG-13
Directed by: Josh Trank
Written by: Simon Kinberg, Jeremy Slater and Josh Trank
Starring: Miles Teller, Kate Mara, Michael B. Jordan, Jamie Bell, Toby Kebbell and Reg E. Cathey
Release Date: 8/7/2015

Official Site

Four young outsiders teleport to an alternate and dangerous universe which alters their physical form in shocking ways. The four must learn to harness their new abilities and work together to save Earth from a former friend turned enemy.

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Memoriam: In memory of George L. Little

Shaun the Sheep Movie (2015)*


Title: Shaun the Sheep Movie
Rating: PG
Directed by: Mark Burton and Richard Starzak
Written by: Mark Burton and Richard Starzak
Starring: Justin Fletcher, John Sparkes and Omid Djalili
Release Date: 8/5/2015
Running Time: 85 minutes

Official Site

When Shaun decides to take the day off and have some fun, he gets a little more action than he bargained for. A mix up with the Farmer, a caravan and a very steep hill lead them all to the Big City and it’s up to Shaun and the flock to return everyone safely to the green grass of home.

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Special thanks to Frank S. for this submission

Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection ‘F’ (2015)*


Title: Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection ‘F’
Rating: NR
Directed by: Tadayoshi Yamamuro
Written by: Akira Toriyama
Starring: Masako Nozawa, Ryô Horikawa and Hiromi Tsuru
Release Date: 8/4/2015
Running Time: 93 minutes

Official Site

One peaceful day on Earth, two remnants of Frieza’s army named Sorbet and Tagoma arrive searching for the Dragon Balls with the aim of reviving Frieza. They succeed, and Frieza subsequently seeks revenge on the Saiyans.

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