
Tag: Azia Dinea Hale

iMordecai (2022)*

Title: iMordecai
Rating: NR
Directed by: Marvin Samel
Written by: Rudy Gaines, Dahlia Heyman, and Marvin Samel
Starring: Judd Hirsch, Carol Kane, Sean Astin, and Azia Dinea Hale
Release Date: 2/10/2023
Running Time: 102 minutes

Official Site

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A Holocaust survivor, born and raised in a different time, must face the realities of modern world. When confronted with an unfamiliar object, an iPhone, will Mordecai be able to fit into a world that has changed so much around him?

Are There Any Extras During The Credits? Yes

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Are There Any Extras After The Credits? No

Memoriam: In memory of Alan Drumond

Director: To my wife Netta Samel. You put up with so much supporting me in my pursuit of this crazy dream. Thank you for keeping me sane and keeping the family stable. I love you.

Talia Semel and Ariella Samel. You are my everything. Pass this story down from generation to generation.

Fela Samel
1936 – 2019

I would like to dedicate this film to the 6 million who perished and the millions of survivors who have carried the torch in telling their stories. May this never happen again.

For Mom and Dad

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