Title: Hockeyland
Rating: NR
Directed by: Tommy Haines
Written by: J.T. Haines, Tommy Haines, and Andrew Sherburne
Starring: Blake Biondi, Elliot Van Orsdel, Indio Dowd, Will Troutwine, Pat Andrews, Jeff Torrel, Aydyn Dowd, Lori Dowd, Mark Dowd, Jessica Van Orsdel, and Stuart Van Orsdel
Release Date: 9/9/2022
Running Time: 108 minutes
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In Minnesota’s fabled heartland of US ice hockey, the teams of rival towns skate for a last chance to etch their names into local lore.
Are There Any Extras During The Credits? Unknown
Are There Any Extras After The Credits? Unknown
Is this stinger worth waiting around for?