Title: A Fragile Flower
Rating: NR
Directed by: Mai Thu Huyen
Written by: Nhat Ha
Starring: Maya, Quoc Cuong, Mai Thu Huyen, Trizzie Phuong Trinh, Anh Dung, Nhat Ha, Baggio Saetti, and Duc Tien Hoang
Release Date: 3/29/2024
Running Time: 96 minutes
What did you think of this film?
The film revolves around the life of a young female singer, Thach Thao (Maya). Thanks to her talented voice and top-notch beauty, she quickly became famous, reaching the peak of glory. What difficulties did she face on that journey to fame?
Are There Any Extras During The Credits? Unknown
Are There Any Extras After The Credits? Unknown
Is this stinger worth waiting around for?