
Tag: Sean Penn

Asphalt City (2023)

Title: Asphalt City
Rating: R
Directed by: Jean-Stéphane Sauvaire
Written by: Ben Mac Brown and Ryan King
Based on the novel by: Shannon Burke
Starring: Sean Penn, Tye Sheridan, and Gbenga Akinnagbe
Release Date: 3/29/2024
Running Time: 120 minutes


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Ollie Cross is a young paramedic assigned to the NYC night shift with an uncompromising and seasoned partner Gene Rutkovsky. Each 911 call is often dangerous and uncertain, putting their lives on the line every day to help others.

Are There Any Extras During The Credits? No

Are There Any Extras After The Credits? No

Note: Scenes of an ambulance driving around the streets of New York City are shown during the credits.

Dedication: Dedicated to all Emergency Medical Services workers across the world who continue to provide uninterrupted service on the front lines of emergency care.

May those who we have lost in the line of duty, to suicide or Illness, forever rest in peace and be our guardian angels.

Special thanks to Jason, Reynaldo, Tami, Frank, and Tom for this submission

Licorice Pizza (2021)

Title: Licorice Pizza
Rating: R
Directed by: Paul Thomas Anderson
Written by: Paul Thomas Anderson
Starring: Alana Haim, Cooper Hoffman, Sean Penn, Tom Waits, Bradley Cooper, and Benny Safdie
Release Date: 11/26/2021
Running Time: 133 minutes

Official Site

What did you think of this film?

The story of Alana Kane and Gary Valentine growing up, running around and falling in love in the San Fernando Valley, 1973.

Are There Any Extras During The Credits? No

Are There Any Extras After The Credits? No

Dedication:For Robert Downey, Sr.
(a prince)

Special thanks to Michael, Gabe, Tony, Sam, Curt, Robert, Frank, Javier, and Alex for this submission

Flag Day (2021)

Title: Flag Day
Rating: R
Directed by: Sean Penn
Written by: Jez Butterworth and Jennifer Vogel
Starring: Dylan Penn, Sean Penn, Josh Brolin, Norbert Leo Butz, Dale Dickey, Eddie Marsan, Bailey Noble, Hopper Jack Penn, and Katheryn Winnick
Release Date: 8/20/2021
Running Time: 107 minutes

Official Site

What did you think of this film?

Jennifer Vogel’s father John was larger than life. As a child, Jennifer marveled at his magnetizing energy and ability to make life feel like a grand adventure. He taught her so much about love and joy, but he also happened to be the most notorious counterfeiter in US history.

Are There Any Extras During The Credits? No

Are There Any Extras After The Credits? No

Professor and the Madman, The (2019)

Title: The Professor and the Madman
Rating: NR
Directed by: Farhad Safinia
Written by: John Boorman, Todd Komarnicki, and Farhad Safinia
Based on the book by: Simon Winchester
Starring: Mel Gibson and Sean Penn
Release Date: 5/10/2019
Running Time: 124 minutes


What did you think of this film?
Professor James Murray begins work compiling words for the first edition of the Oxford English Dictionary in the mid 19th century, and receives over 10,000 entries from a patient at Broadmoor Criminal Lunatic Asylum, Dr. William Minor.

Are There Any Extras During The Credits? No

Are There Any Extras After The Credits? No

Special thanks to Frank for this submission

Last Face, The (2016)*

Title: The Last Face
Rating: R
Directed by: Sean Penn
Written by: Erin Dignam
Starring: Charlize Theron, Javier Bardem, and Adèle Exarchopoulos
Release Date: 7/28/2017
Running Time: 130 minutes


What did you think of this film?
A director (Charlize Theron) of an international aid agency in Africa meets a relief aid doctor (Javier Bardem) amidst a political/social revolution, and together face tough choices surrounding humanitarianism and life through civil unrest.

Are There Any Extras During The Credits? Yes

Click to see whats: during the credits


Are There Any Extras After The Credits? No

Is this stinger worth waiting around for? Vote DownVote Up (No Ratings Yet)

Special thanks to Frank for this submission

Angry Birds (2016)*


Title: Angry Birds
Rating: PG
Directed by: Clay Kaytis and Fergal Reilly
Written by: Jon Vitti
Starring: Jason Sudeikis, Josh Gad, Danny McBride, Maya Rudolph, Bill Hader, Peter Dinklage, Sean Penn, Keegan-Michael Key and Kate McKinnon
Release Date: 5/20/2016
Running Time: 97 minutes

Official Site

The movie takes us to an island populated entirely by happy, flightless birds – or almost entirely. In this paradise, Red (Jason Sudeikis, We’re the Millers, Horrible Bosses), a bird with a temper problem, speedy Chuck (Josh Gad in his first animated role since Frozen), and the volatile Bomb (Danny McBride, This Is the End, Eastbound and Down) have always been outsiders. But when the island is visited by mysterious green piggies, it’s up to these unlikely outcasts to figure out what the pigs are up to.

What did you think of this film?

During Credits? Yes

Click to see whats: during the credits

After Credits? No

Is this stinger worth waiting around for? Vote DownVote Up (+14 rating, 20 votes)

Note: You can unlock a new area of the “Angry Birds Action!” game and also see an exclusive clip from the film by opening the game during the end credits of the film so it can detect a inaudible digital watermark that will be played.

[wpolling_archive id=”82″ vote=”true” type=”open”]

The Gunman Review – 2 out of 5 Stars

Before I get started, I should probably warn you that this wasn’t the strongest weekend for mainstream releases in movies so if you wanted to watch something then I recommend you try staying home. That is, unless you are living next to a smaller theater that will be playing Kumiko: The Treasure Hunter. I saw this gem a little under a year ago at the Seattle International Film Festival and just recently it got a release in a few select cinemas. The film is a heartbreaking and intense psychological thriller that contains some of the best music and cinematography I’ve seen for a movie in years. It’s so good that it even got a nomination for best director and best actress at The Independent Spirit Awards months before its release date. If you haven’t already seen it, I deeply urge you to check this film out.

Aside from his crazy speech at the Oscars, Sean Penn hasn’t been up to much lately. He’s clearly a talented actor but it seems as though he’s had other things on his plate recently with his heavy humanitarian work in different parts of the world. But for the first time in a couple of years, Sean Penn is back playing the lead in a big budget studio film that also happens to have been partially written by him. It’s a shame that his big return is The Gunman, a well-acted misfire dragged down by a terrible script.


In The Gunman, Sean Penn plays Jim, an ex-soldier that fought in The Democratic Republic of the Congo who made a mistake in carrying out a specific assassination. To keep the mission a secret, he had to leave his girlfriend Annie as well as his home behind. Eight years later, a group of henchmen find and try to kill him. After killing all of them, he goes on a journey to find out who sent these people after him. Along the way, he meets up with his old military friends Stanley (Ray Winstone) and Cox (Mark Rylance), along with Annie and her fiancé Felix (Javier Bardem).

Before I get into what I thought was so bad about this, I will mention there are a few things about this movie that I did respect. For example, I thought it was ambitious of them to try to center the story around such a complex and difficult subject as the violent conflicts in The Democratic Republic of the Congo. It’s a topic that I (along with most people I assume) know very little about and with this, the writers and directors had a chance to bring this to light in an eye opening way. The movie doesn’t end up doing that at all but it still deserves a little credit for being a better set up than telling the same story with yet another retired bank robber or member of the mob. This at least had the chance of being an informative political thriller.

I still don’t think I buy Sean Penn as a badass action star after this, but when he has to act in this he gives it his all. His performance here kind of reminds me of Bryan Cranston in Godzilla in that Penn is trying to give his heavy and genuine performance in this very standard, cut-rate action thriller. There’s this one very simple scene where Jim is thanking a man for saving his life. With a lesser actor this would’ve been a quick line that was thrown into the script but here he makes the scene surprisingly heartfelt. Penn is doing such a great job that you wish he was giving this kind of performance in a movie that actually deserved it. For as hard as he tried, Penn’s fantastic work here didn’t save the movie. But to his credit, he tried as hard as he could.

Javier Bardem was also really entertaining in the couple of scenes that he’s in. I think he’s become one of those actors where he can make a weak movie entertaining when he’s on screen and he can make a great movie incredible when he’s on screen. He’s got one of the most poorly written characters in the movie but whenever he’s on screen he’s a lot of fun to watch. He and Sean Penn are going to be in a movie later this year called The Last Face and I hope that that movie is more up to the type of movie they both deserve.

The film aims to be an action thriller and while the film fails at the thriller part, the action scenes in this movie are pretty good. The fights are never over edited and there wasn’t any shaky cam. The director of this film was Pierre Morel and since he directed the first Taken film, you probably know what type of action you’re going to get in this movie. If you’re into that raw and brutal action style that’s known in Taken or The Raid, then you’ll probably find at least a little entertainment in this film. I will give The Gunman that it is one of the bloodiest mainstream action movies I’ve seen recently. These are the moments where it feels like Morel got to shine and its clear he put the most effort into action instead of the substance, which unfortunately is supposed to take up a larger part of the movie.

So yes, there were plenty of things that could’ve made this film at least decent and I can even see how at one time such a talented cast would’ve looked at the concept and thought this was a good idea. Unfortunately, the film stumbles hard in the area that perhaps matters the most when you’re making a geopolitical thriller, the script.


The movie takes its interesting concept and weighs it down to the most cliché, phony story you can think of. As I mentioned earlier, Jim being an ex-soldier in The Democratic Republic of The Congo is the only thing separating this from every other story about a man who has to return to dark, violent past. When the movie tries to throw in its possibly interesting political storyline, it comes off less as a coherent part of the story and more as lazily thrown in bit of exposition that’s too hard to follow and ultimately unnecessary to follow by the end of the film. The basic story ends up being the equivalent of a totally predictable, direct to DVD action thriller combined with the charm and emotion of reading a Wikipedia article. When the film ends, you’re given all of these different poorly told bits of information that lead you to nowhere. You could’ve just as easily understood the story half-watching this at home while trying to work on your computer or play a game on your mobile device. For the overly complicated story line they went with, I still know very little about the conflict they were trying to present here.

And when the movie isn’t being a sloppy political thriller, it’s making sure to check off every single action cliché. Is there an old mentor to the main character who ends up dying heroically near the end? Check. Is there an unrealistic and underwritten happy ending? Check. Is the villain an old friend of the main character from his dark past? Check. Does some of the dialogue come off as laughable in how pretentious it is? Check. The main character even has a poorly thrown in illness that only matters to the story when it’s convenient for it.

Hands down the worst character in the film is Jim’s ex-girlfriend Alice. She has got to be made up of every single, terrible, misogynistic stereotype you can put into a female in an action movie. Let’s pretend that you had a girlfriend or boyfriend who disappeared without telling you anything. Eight years later you’re married to someone new and this person shows up out of the blue to say they’re sorry. What would you do? Perhaps you would get angry at them, tell them to leave or at least slowly rebuild your relationship with this person over time. What does Alice do? One scene after finding out he’s alive, she goes to his hotel and has sex with him. There’s no conversation between them or anything, she sees him again at a restaurant with her husband and then cut to them making out. It’s extremely unrealistic and it’s one of the ways her character is disposable to this film. She only shows up in the film when they need something for the villains to point a gun at to motivate Sean Penn’s character.

Lastly, I want to mention this movies ridiculous waste of actor Idris Elba. Every bit of marketing for this movie had him highlighted as the second most important actor to Sean Penn. He shows up when the movie is almost over and he is on screen for maybe four minutes tops. He plays this detective character that could’ve easily been played by anyone. The only thing he offers to the movie is a conversation with Penn that features a hilariously, forced usage of treehouse metaphors. Here’s just one of the incredible pieces of dialogue that you can hear in this scene.

“You don’t want to climb this tree house Jim. There’s some termites in it and they aren’t just going to bite your hands.”

I’m paraphrasing a tad but that’s basically it. They hired one of the most acclaimed actors in Hollywood for an absolutely useless part. Idris Elba is in The Gunman in the same way Liam Neeson is in Battleship. At least this part probably paid for his vacation before his part in Beasts of No Nation.

For much as I hated the screenplay, The Gunman wasn’t a movie I left the theater hating. There are some impressive action scenes and Sean Penn does a great job. This is one of those cases where a film isn’t a bad as it could’ve been but it also isn’t as good as it could’ve been. The compelling concept is wasted on endless clichés, forgettable characters and some pretty horrendous dialogue throughout. The only people who I would recommend this to are maybe fans of Taken as they might be able to get some minor thrills out of the brief action scenes. Maybe if you had a filmmaker like Kathryn Bigelow or Paul Greengrass handling the story then you could’ve ended up with a great thriller but bits and pieces of potential aren’t able to keep the movie from falling flat on its back.


Review by: Ryan M.

Release Date: 3/20/2015

Rating: R

Cast: Sean Penn, Idris Elba, Jasmine Trinca, Javier Bardem, Ray Winstone and Mark Rylance

Directed by: Pierre Morel

Screenplay by: Don MacPherson, Sean Penn and Pete Travis

Based on the novel by: Jean-Patrick Manchette

Gunman, The (2015)


Title: The Gunman
Rating: R
Director: Pierre Morel
Writer: Don MacPherson and Pete Travis
Based on the novel by: Jean-Patrick Manchette
Stars: Sean Penn, Idris Elba and Jasmine Trinca
Release Date: 3/20/2015
Running Time: 115 minutes

Official Site

A sniper on a mercenary assassination team, kills the minister of mines of the Congo. Terrier’s successful kill shot forces him into hiding. Returning to the Congo years later, he becomes the target of a hit squad himself.

What did you think of this film?

During Credits? No

After Credits? No

Note: One of the action sequences takes place in Barcelona, in a stadium during a bullfight. There’s a note in the credits that says Barcelona is anti-bullfighting and there have been no bullfights in the city since 2011.

Gangster Squad (2013)

TITLE: Gangster Squad

RELEASE DATE: 1/11/2013


A chronicle of the LAPD’s fight to keep East Coast Mafia types out of Los Angeles in the 1940s and 50s.

What did you think of this film?

Official Site



During Credits? No

After Credits? No

NOTE: The first part of the credits play over pictures of postcard art of scenes from the movie.

This Must Be the Place (2011)

TITLE: This Must Be the Place

RELEASE DATE: 8/24/2011


Cheyenne, a retired rock star living off his royalties in Dublin, returns to New York City to find the man responsible for a humiliation suffered by his recently deceased father during WWII.

What did you think of this film?



During Credits? No

After Credits? No

NOTE: Dedicated for Angelo, Stefano, Eraldo, and Guiseppe.

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