
Title: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (aka. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice: An IMAX 3D Experience and Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice 3D)
Rating: PG-13
Directed by: Zack Snyder
Written by: Chris Terrio and David S. Goyer
Starring: Jason Momoa, Amy Adams, Henry Cavill, Gal Gadot, Ben Affleck, Diane Lane, Jesse Eisenberg, Jeremy Irons and Laurence Fishburne
Release Date: 3/25/2016
Running Time: 153 minutes

Official Site

Fearing the actions of a god-like Super Hero left unchecked, Gotham City’s own formidable, forceful vigilante takes on Metropolis’s most revered, modern-day savior, while the world wrestles with what sort of hero it really needs. And with Batman and Superman at war with one another, a new threat quickly arises, putting mankind in greater danger than it’s ever known before.

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