Title: Petite Maman
Rating: PG
Directed by: Céline Sciamma
Written by: Céline Sciamma
Starring: Joséphine Sanz, Gabrielle Sanz, Nina Meurisse, and Stéphane Varupenne
Release Date: 4/22/2022
Running Time: 72 minutes

Official Site

What did you think of this film?

Following the death of her beloved grandmother, 8-year-old Nelly accompanies her parents to her mother’s childhood home to begin the difficult process of cleaning out its contents. As Nelly explores the house and nearby woods, she is immediately drawn to a neighbor her own age building a treehouse. What follows is a tender tale of childhood grief, memory and connection.

Are There Any Extras During The Credits? No

Are There Any Extras After The Credits? No