Title: 200% Wolf
Rating: PG
Directed by: Alexs Stadermann
Written by: Fin Edquist
Based on the books by: Jayne Lyons
Starring: Ilai Swindells, Elizabeth Nabben, Jennifer Saunders, Sarah Georgina, Peter McAllum, and Samara Weaving
Release Date: 8/23/2024
Running Time: 98 minutes

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2.5/5 - (2 votes)

Heroic poodle Freddy Lupin has everything it takes to lead his werewolf pack. Except respect. If only he were more… wolfish. But when a wayward wish transforms him into a werewolf and deposits a mischievous moon sprite on earth, Freddy must restore the cosmic order before earth and moon collide! Oops! One thing’s for sure – Freddy will never question being a poodle again!

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Are There Any Extras After The Credits? No

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Special thanks to Ernest for this submission